April 10, 2014

I'm DONE being "too" busy!!

As I was sitting at the school today waiting to pick my kids up, I saw something that caused me to have a revelation knowledge moment that made me determined to watch how I act and how I treat my kids every second of their lives from this moment on.

This mom was walking across the parking lot all but pulling her daughter by the hand to get back across the parking lot from the school to her car. Her daughter who appeared to be maybe 10 years old was practically running to keep up, and as she is doing all she can to keep up she is talking to her mom. Looking up, the daughter's face just beamed with excitement to see her mom after a long day of school.

She continues to ask her mom the same question 3 different times and after the 3rd time her mom ignored her, whether it was intentional or her mind was just somewhere else, the daughter's face went from a look of excitement to heartbroken and as she passed my car, I could see tears swelling up in her young eyes.

All because the mom was too busy to answer her daughter. I wondered how many times that had happened to her? How many times had she tried to just talk to her mom only to be ignored?

Then my thoughts turned to my own kids.

How many times have I been too busy doing something else that I thought took priority at that moment just to tell my kids hold on?

 How many times have I been too deep in thought to even hear them when they ask me a simple question?

Jesus said that the children are part of the Kingdom of God in Matthew 19:14.

How many times have I been "Martha" trying to do the things I thought need to get done and let part of the Kingdom of God go unattended to?

Even as I write this, I have tears stinging my eyes and a knot in my throat making it hard to breathe simply because I know that I have done all this too many times to count.

I love my kids and I do things with them all the time. We play outside all the time, I read to them, they sit on my lap while we watch tv, and go to the park among other things. I like to believe I am a relatively good mom.

I, like many other moms, just get "too" busy.

We are to model God to our children. We are to treat them exactly like He treats them.  We have to teach them the love of their Father by showing it through us. And we get too busy?

God is NEVER too busy to listen to us! He will never say "oh you have another prayer, *sigh* Hold on let me finish this or let me finish that."

He is ALWAYS there to listen and answer us.

If God is God and has all the world to tend to, all the prayers to answer, and the past, present, and future to handle and He can still take the time to listen to us, answer us, and spend time with us when we come to him.....why can't we put off vacuuming or doing the dishes or cleaning house or putting away laundry to dance with our daughters or play with our sons.

Why can't we just STOP doing what the world says moms are supposed to do and BE what God says moms have to be?

Well, I'm done. I'm done, doing dishes, cleaning house, writing a blog post or even studying for my EMT class before my kids go to bed at night. I'm done being too busy to listen, answer, or to just be with my children.  I'm DONE being "too" busy!!!!!!

I've never felt so good about being "done" with something in my life.

Now excuse me while I go upstairs and wake my children up to give them hugs and kisses and ask for forgiveness.

Look deep. Pray for a revelation. God loves you. You love God. You love your children.

Don't be "too" busy.

Show them God's love today.

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