What I Learned Today

Supermom? Is she real? Or a myth?

When you think of  "Supermom" what comes to mind?

A vivid picture used to come to mine.

A picture of a woman in a 1950's vintage dress with an apron and white high heels. Hair and make up just right. Vacuuming a spotless house while the kids sat perfectly still on the couch, the daughter reading a book and the son silently playing with an airplane. The woman who can juggle the house and the bills and the shopping all with a baby on her hip with 3 kids in tow. After all of that she still has the gentleness to make calmly correct her children and the sense to fix a 5 course meal and have it hot on the table when her husband gets home from work.

Well, sadly that woman does not exist. She is not real and is nothing more than a mere myth. Sorry to burst your bubble. I'm sure you are as heart broken as I was when I found that out too. Not.

I jumped for joy, because I felt like I had a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I had peace for the first time in years. I felt like I could breathe. I was happy again. But the way I found out was what made it so sweet.

I was reading a book, called "Housewives Desperate for God" and it was talking about how no woman can do it all and still serve her family as Christ served the Church. Women are supposed to bless their family.

When a woman tries to do it all, her family is walking around on pins and needles scared to even breathe her way because she may explode like Mount St. Helens. Yes, her house my be clean, but her kids are scared. Her dishes may be washed and laundry all done and put away, but her husband is miserable. These women become so high strung and miserable thinking that "to get it done right I've got to do it myself" That isn't the way Christ served the Church. That isn't blessing anyone having to live that way.

Christ didn't do it all while He walked the earth. He sent His disciples to go to town to town ahead of him to prepare his way, had people who begged to prepare His food, and people who welcomed Him into their dusty humble homes, not because everything was perfect but because they wanted to be with Him. Because of the way He served His Church.

We as women, moms and wives are to always lean on God. We can't do it all without Him and we can't do it any way but His way.

He delegated (Acts 1:8) , He had a set time to do things (Ecclesiastes 3) and He took time away from the work of teaching, healing and saving to spend 1 on 1 time with the Father (Luke 5:16). We women could learn a lot from that man!

You can be a supermom but not in the way we have come to expect, only in the Proverbs 31 and Titus 2 way!

So in order to be a supermom you have to do everything Father's way.

Love Y'all,

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